Saturday, October 16, 2010

Yesterday's press conference statement-- where is the media coverage on this??

The Saskatoon Northwest by-election press conference we held in Saskatoon yersterday was not attended by Global, CTV, or CBC, so I am publishing my comments directly to the voters of this constituency and the people of Saskatchewan (and beyond):

"Good morning and thank-you for attending. I am Larissa Shasko, leader of the Green Party of Saskatchewan and candidate in the Saskatoon Northwest Provincial By-election. My purpose today is to provide an update on the by-election. A pamphlet has been delivered to all the households in the constituency. Canvassers have been talking and will continue to talk with voters up to election day.

I have a very important message for the voters of this by-election and for the people of our province. A nuclear waste dump is coming to Saskatchewan, and the voters of Saskatoon Northwest have the chance to stop it by voting Green on October 18th. My first act as MLA for Saskatoon Northwest will be to introduce a private members bill. We need legislation to ban the transportation and storage of nuclear waste into Saskatchewan. Manitoba and Quebec form the borders for Ontario. They already have such legislation in place.

Green Party canvassers have been told by a few people that they haven’t heard about high-level radioactive waste being imported into Saskatchewan for disposal. The public needs greater transparency from government and industry. Drilling test sites is already occurring. The Northern Saskatchewan communities of Pinehouse Lake and English River are the current targets for the high-level radioactive waste dump. And they are hearing one-sided industry promotions.

Through public consultations held in 2009 the people of Saskatchewan told government and industry “no” to locating a nuclear waste dump in our province. The Government of Saskatchewan has chosen not to listen. The Opposition NDP is not making it an issue. They will hear if they do not get elected. They will understand if they don’t receive votes in this by-election.

The Green Party of Saskatchewan is a member of a coalition that is about to launch a campaign to stop a nuclear waste dump from coming to our province. We want legislation similar to that in Manitoba and Quebec. It will stop the trucking of radioactive waste along our highways and through our communities. The decision on the importation of high-level radioactive waste from other jurisdictions into Saskatchewan affects all of us.

Manitoba passed the HIGH LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE ACT in 1987 following a test to determine the feasibility of burying the waste; it isn’t feasible. So now by law, high-level radioactive waste can not be imported into Manitoba. It can pass through Manitoba to us, but it cannot be dumped in Manitoba. Where is the Premier of Saskatchewan?

Where is the Leader of the Opposition? Why aren’t they taking action, in accordance with the expressed wishes of the people of Saskatchewan, to prohibit dumping of radioactive waste here?

In public consultations in 2009, the people of Saskatchewan told government “we don’t want the nuclear industry in our province.” Why isn’t the Premier listening? Why is the Leader of the Opposition silent on this issue? In a democracy, the people are supposed to be in charge. This Government will hear if they do not get votes on October 18th. They will hear if they do not get elected.

This by-election is a year before the next provincial election. This issue must be central to the 2011 Provincial Election. The governing parties are complicit with industry and are fast-tracking or stepping out of the way.

The nuclear industry’s plan is for the transportation of high-level radioactive waste into Saskatchewan for the next thirty years. The transportation of nuclear waste from Ontario and points elsewhere into a centralized site in Saskatchewan does not make sense. The only reason for centralizing the high-level radioactive waste is so that is it available for reprocessing. In the 2009 public consultations, the people of Saskatchewan specifically rejected reprocessing of nuclear waste along with the national security risks it imposes.

In the case of the shipment of radioactive waste through the Great Lakes en route to Sweden, seven U.S. Senators have told Canada to consider safer options to the transport of radioactive waste, such as on-site storage.

The voters of Saskatoon Northwest have the opportunity this by-election to ally with the one hundred communities that are opposing the transportation of radioactive materials.

This is a national issue, a provincial issue, and a local issue. The voters of Saskatoon Northwest are central to the outcome.

My first act as MLA for Saskatoon Northwest will be to introduce a private members bill for legislation to prohibit the transportation and storage of nuclear waste into Saskatchewan. With a five party split of the vote, the path is paved for a Green win."

By-election questions from the Star Phoenix, my replies as submitted

(note which questions are relevant and which seem out of place, and note my effort at creative & meaningful responses anyhow)

Name: Larissa Shasko

Party: Green Party of Saskatchewan

Age: 28

Profession: Political Science Student, U of R

Years in Saskatoon: I am Leader of the Green Party of Saskatchewan and it is a political convention for the leader of a party to run in a by-election if not yet elected. I have proudly lived in Saskatchewan all of my life.

Past election political positions (if any): Elected as Leader of the Green Party of Saskatchewan in April 2009 and re-elected in May 2010. Was a Green Party candidate in the 2006 & 2008 Federal Elections & the 2007 Provincial Election. Also received over 2000 votes as a candidate in the 2009 Moose Jaw Civic Election.

Family (Name of spouse, name and ages of children) (Optional): Husband- Ryan

Favourite book: The Decline of Representative Democracy

What do you do to relax (in one or two sentences): I work to find solutions to the environmental crisis so that we all can relax! I am also actively involved with the arts community and get plenty of fresh air and exercise.

Top three issues (Please condense to three phrases or sentences):
1. Corporatocracy vs. Democracy
2. Improving our overburdened healthcare system by including prevention of illness as part of its mandate
3. A nuclear waste dump is coming to Saskatchewan & we want to introduce legislation to ban the transportation and storage of nuclear waste into our province.

What do you most often hear from constituency residents when going door todoor? (Please keep to two or three sentences.): Voters are unhappy with our democratic deficit and they are worried about the economy and our overburdened healthcare system. They are supportive of the nuclear waste ban legislation I plan to introduce, and they want to see a real plan for renewable energy in Saskatchewan. They do not want foreign ownership of Saskatchewan resources or land.

Why are you the best candidate to represent the people of SaskatoonNorthwest? (Two or three sentences please.)The people of Saskatchewan have already said "no" to a nuclear waste dump in public consultations (2009), but the Premier isn't listening and the Leader of the Opposition is silent on this issue. In a democracy, the people are supposed to be in charge. I will be accountable to the people and bring transparency to this government.

Website: &

SK Greens put forward a plan to advert the hostile takeover of PotashCorp by BHP Billiton and to prevent foreign concentrated ownership altogether

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Green Party of Saskatchewan held a press conference in Regina this morning at the Saskatchewan Legislative Building to put forward a plan to advert the hostile takeover of PotashCorp by BHP Billiton and to prevent foreign concentrated ownership of Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan altogether. The Green Party of Saskatchewan’s plan calls for Ottawa to use their power to stop the hostile takeover of PotashCorp by BHP. “Foreign concentrated ownership does not equate to a ‘net benefit’ to Canada or Saskatchewan,” states Larissa Shasko, Leader of the Green Party of Saskatchewan. “Under foreign concentrated ownership, profits would not be staying in Saskatchewan where they benefit our local economy, and foreign concentrated ownership leaves our local economy extremely vulnerable,” Shasko continues. The Green Party is concerned that the takeover of PotashCorp by BHP Billiton would result in profit-oriented actions such as wage freezes and requests to government to lower royalty rates. “Ottawa has an obligation to stop this takeover, and they have the power to do so,” states Shasko.

The Green Party of Saskatchewan plan calls for royalty rates to be raised substantially to ensure a fair portion of the wealth from potash production in our province goes to benefit all of our people and is also preserved for future generations. “As the people of Saskatchewan, our ownership of this resource is largely based on royalty rates, which are currently too low for Saskatchewan people to be realizing a fair portion of the sales of potash production occurring in our province,” states Shasko. According to Shasko, increases in royalty rates on potash are long overdue: “Had the Government of Saskatchewan raised royalty rates when potash prices spiked, PotashCorp may not be in the hostile takeover situation it is now in.”

The Green Party of Saskatchewan plan also suggests a new business model that invests in workers and communities. “A Worker Co-operative would have the potential to create local ownership of PotashCorp while bringing democracy into the workplace through the ‘one worker, one vote’ system, states Shasko. “Worker Co-operatives can empower workers and create healthier communities, and better decisions are made in areas such as the environment because the owners and decision makers are the very workers who are seeing the environmental destruction first hand,” Shasko continues.

The plan put forward by the Green party of Saskatchewan at this morning’s press conference also offers solutions for better decision-making practices in areas such as the environment and public health/safety. According to Green Leader Larissa Shasko, "Saskatchewan’s resources should not be depleted by aggressive foreign ownership, inadequate royalties, and lack of government protection."

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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Green Party of Saskatchewan calls for an increase in resource royalties and an end to government subsidies to resource extraction corporations


For Immediate Release June 16, 2010

The Green Party of Saskatchewan held a press conference in Regina yesterday at the Saskatchewan Legislative Building to put forward policy solutions that will improve the current and long-term economic well being of our province. “The current pace of resource extraction in Saskatchewan is neither economically nor environmentally sustainable and is leaving nothing behind for future generations who will live here,” stated Larissa Shasko, Leader of the Green Party of Saskatchewan. “We take for granted that the generations of people who lived here before us left a wealth of resources in the ground. Our province is not a treasure to be ransacked. We have to think about the economic well-being of future generations, otherwise we will rob our province and its people of a secure future.”

The Green Party of Saskatchewan is calling on the Wall Government to raise royalties to ensure a greater share of the wealth generated from resource extraction that happens today will be preserved for future generations. According to Green Party of Saskatchewan Deputy Leader, Billy Patterson, "We must learn from the mistakes of Alberta and follow the example of countries like Norway." Alberta decreased royalties and regulations to the point that their natural resources were pillaged by private corporations, and the pay-off seems to have worn off after a $700 payout to every man, woman, and child. Norway on the other hand put its royalty revenues into an untouchable 'rainy day' fund. Norway's ability to tap into this revenue allowed it's currency, the kroner, to be the most stable in the world during the past few years of global economic recession. Both Norway and Canada have economies very heavily tied into domestic oil supply. The main difference between these petro-dollar economies is that the Norwegians know not to give it all away to private-interest corporations.

The Saskatchewan Greens are also calling on the Wall Government to eliminate government subsidies to resource extraction corporations. “These are for profit corporations; they do not need the public purse to turn a profit,” said Shasko. “We need to subsidize daycare, not resource extraction,” Shasko continued. The Green Party of Saskatchewan is calling on the Wall Government to take the millions of dollars saved by eliminating these corporate subsidies and reinvest it into a Guaranteed Livable Income. The Saskatchewan Greens would like to see a priority start of the program targeting the most vulnerable sectors of our province. Post-secondary students, seniors, people with disabilities, single mothers, parents who wish to be able to stay home with their children for the first five years, and parents and caregiver's of people with special needs. “The Guaranteed Livable Income will rejuvenate our economy at the local level and eliminate poverty for a number of children, mothers, seniors, students, and people with disabilities in Saskatchewan,” states Shasko.

This press conference is the first of a series of press conferences the Green Party of Saskatchewan will be holding this summer to put forward policy solutions that they would like to see implemented in the fall sitting of the Legislature.

Saskatchewan's Wildlife Habitat Protection Act lands are being put up for sale

For Immediate Release May 19, 2010

The Green Party of Saskatchewan is criticizing the Sask Party Government for rushing through legislation amending the Wildlife Habitat Protection Act. The changes to the legislation allow lands that are currently protected under the Wildlife Habitat Protection Act to be removed from the Act and put up for sale. Leader of the Green Party of Saskatchewan, Larissa Shasko, met with Minister of the Environment, Nancy Heppner, last week to discuss the proposed amendments to the W.H.P.A. The legislation amending the W.H.P.A. received its third reading in the provincial legislature today. “This legislation has been rushed through without giving adequate time for the people of Saskatchewan to be consulted about the changes to the W.H.P.A. The changes being made to the legislation will remove lands protected under W.H.P.A. from public ownership, yet few people in this province are aware of the changes being made, and environmental organizations have not had adequate time for public education efforts about the changes to the W.H.P.A,” states Shasko. The Green Party of Saskatchewan is concerned that important details resulting from the changes to the W.H.P.A. have been overlooked.

“The Wildlife Habitat Protection Act is the most cost effective way to protect wildlife habitats and important ecosystems in our province,” states Shasko. “Removing land from W.H.P.A. and putting it up for sale with Crown Conservation Easements attached will require a hefty budget to provide adequate regulation of W.H.P.A. lands that are sold off. Yet the Ministry of Environment’s budget was just cut by $25 million in the 2010/11 provincial budget.” Shasko is also concerned that the Crown Conservation Easements can be removed from protected lands at the discretion of the Minister of Environment if the lands are required for something in the ‘public insterest’. “‘Public interest’ is too broad of a term to provide strong and ongoing protection of wildlife habitat and sensitive eco-systems,” Shasko states. “It’s too much of a loophole to protect the W.H.P.A. lands that are being put up for sale.”

“The Green Party of Saskatchewan believes that the Government’s newly developed Crown Land Evaluation and Assessment Tool should have been used to identify unprotected Crown land that should be added to W.H.P.A. protection instead of using it to assign values to W.H.P.A. lands so that they can be sold off,” states Shasko. “Greens recognize that all W.H.P.A. lands have equal ecological value. If there are lands currently protected under the Wildlife Habitat Protection Act that have suffered a loss in bio-diversity, then those lands should be allowed to restore any loss of bio-diversity over time naturally and with the help of stewards of the land; they should not be put up for sale because of a loss in bio-diversity.”

According to Green Party of Saskatchewan Deputy Leader, Billy Patterson, "The context of this decision, in light of changes removing environmental regulation legislation and replacing it with an Alberta-style "code" as well as centralizing power over environmental enforcement with the Minister herself appointing the board responsible for enforcing environmental protection in the province, Greens are worried that the corporate-interest priorities reflected in the Uranium Development Panel and Enterprise Saskatchewan appointments will further the corporate agenda at the public expense."

Due to the Wall Government’s poor environmental record and ‘big business’ priority, the Green Party of Saskatchewan is extremely concerned that the changes to the W.H.P.A. have been rushed through so quickly, without the permission or trust of the people of this province.